
Commission Status: Closed
Slots: x/1

Please read TOS and Commision Info before heading to Contact for a commission order.

Blood for the Blood God

Pesky Bird

Terms of Service

  • Please keep in mind that I have the right to refuse a commission.

  • For personal use only.

  • Payment will be upfront through Ko-fi and PayPal.

  • Refund is only allowed before a sketch is sent. After that, it's non-refundable.

  • All prices are subject to change depending on demand/complexity of the request.

  • Provide all the request descriptions after the agreement (clear details about the character like facial expressions, pose, hair style, attire, etc.)

  • If you have clear images for reference, samples, pose/expressions, type of action, and other needed information, feel free to send them!

  • Changes must be done after the sketch is sent or before sketch is approved. There won't be any further changes after that.

  • More complicated commissions can be discussed via Gmail (Google Chat) or DMs.

  • Average work time is about 1-3 weeks per artwork. Process is longer depending on the complexity of the request.

  • Finished work is sent in full resolution via Gmail. All works are digital, so feel free to print them for personal use.

  • I retain all rights for all works, including using them as samples/portfolio. If you don't want me using them, feel free to tell me!

  • You are not allowed to use all my works for NFTs, AI-related activities, and commercial use.

  • You may not alter the artworks in any way, including removing the watermark. Refer to the "six Grians" artwork on what the watermark looks like.

  • Sharing/re-posting through various social media platforms is allowed as long as you provide proper credit.

Please head to Commission for the pricing and examples and Contact to order a commission.

Commission Info

  • All prices are subject to change

  • Extra fees in the used payment services are not included in the pricing

  • Refer to the "six Grians" artwork at the "Full Color" section on what the watermark looks like

Will DrawWill NOT Draw
Anime styleRealistic style
Simple BGBackground
-Complicated Perspective


  • Bust - $15

  • Half body - $25

  • Full body - $35

Flat Color (Simple BG/Image)

  • Bust - $35

  • Half body - $50

  • Full body - $65

Full Color (Simple BG/Image)

  • Bust - $50

  • Half body - $65

  • Full body - $80

  • Additional character: Add 50-75% of original price

  • Blinking animation: Add 25% of original price

  • Highly detailed/complex designs may increase the price

Please head to TOS for guidelines and Contact to order a commission.


Please fill out this Google form if you would like to commission an artwork.
This is important to ensure that you agree to the Terms of Service.

Within 1-3 days, I will reach out to you through
the preferred contact to discuss the further details.

Tips are appreciated but not necessary! If you would like
to tip me, you can check out my Ko-fi after your order is finished.